You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.15. Appendix 1: FAQs > 12.15.11. How do we set up credit card surcharges for ECOM?

How do we set up credit card surcharges for ECOM?

If you have setup credit card surcharges in the Distribution system, they automatically flow through to MOO.

The basic steps for setting up credit card surcharges are:

  1. Setup the GL account for credit card surcharges in the GL Interface master file.

Enter the GL account for credit card surcharges in the Credit Card Surcharge field on the GL Credit Card Fees screen. For more information, refer to "Edit - Credit Card Fee".

  1. For each debtor in the Debtor master file, select whether or not the credit card surcharge applies.

Select Yes or No in the Allow Credit Card Surcharge field on the Debtor File Update screen - Extra tab. For more information, refer to "File - Debtor - Extra".

  1. Enter the credit card surcharge amounts against the appropriate payment types in your company configuration.

For each credit card type (e.g. Amex, Mastercard, Visa), enter the amount of the surcharge in the Credit Card Surcharge field on the Enter Payment Types screen, and the type of surcharge (Percentage or Dollar) in the Surcharge Type field. For more information, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Payment Types".